Miskolc is the 4th most populous city of Hungary with a population of 160.000. As of 2016 the modal share was 45% private car, 40% public transport, 10% walking and 5% cycling. The main transport mode is the private car, whereas public transport has a slightly smaller role. Shared e-scooters are a prosperous solution in the area since it is a vivid university city with many students.

The SUMP objectives for 2030 consider a significant decrease in private car usage. In alignment with its SUMP, Miskolc aims to encourage multimodal trips. To exploit the synergies between conventional and new mobility services, a common digital interface will be developed within the Miskolc living lab.
Use cases
Digital and physical innovations are planned to seamlessly integrate e-scooters in the city’s transport system. On the physical side, e-scooters will be integrated to existing PT stations. On the digital side, a journey planner service will be extended with new functions to support an integrated system with e-scooters. A multimodal journey planner with additional user awareness parameters and activity chain optimisation to reduce CO2 emission will be developed as part of the current mobility application.
Role of your living lab in metaCCAZE
Co-creation activities will be set up to enable the user-centric design of physical and digital services. The living lab will enhance the innovation capacity of the local administration and accelerate the uptake of shared, smart, and sustainable zero emission solutions. The pilot activities will exploit zero-emission mobility modes citywide and provide transferrable solutions for sustainable mobility.
- Domokos Esztergár-Kiss
- esztergar@mail.bme.hu